Law (Football rules) changes – from 2017 season

(From Feb 2017 but updated in for in 2018 for web site changes) The laws of the game have changed!!

The laws (rules) of our game (full field version) have changed for this season (2017 and onwards). There have been some 90 or so changes to the rule-book, through many are just clarifications (e.g. indirect free kicks – the ball must clearly move, no taping the ball and calling it a kicked) or tidying up of the english.  But some are significant and obvious – you have probably seen in other games that they have finally given up on getting you to kick the ball forward on kick-off, it can now go backward.  In some cases, less red cards (last-man fouls in the penalty area are now a yellow rather then a red) but in other cases more.   More direct free kicks, some tidying up of the offside rule and much more.

Here is the actual law book for 2016/2017 , changes highlighted. Here is the FFA summary of the changes and here is the offical detailed list of changes.

Changes to bring the mini-roo games into line have been proposed, hopefully they will be accepted and out soon!

If you would like to learn the laws in detail – go to this page, it is the on-line course people must do before becoming a ref (but even here, some of the questions have not yet been updated ).  It takes a few hours to go through, improves your knowledge of the game and if you take the test, allows you to go to the course to become a ref (we can host one of these courses ourselves if there is enough interest).


Laws of the small games – Mini-roo game handbooks (2016 updates)

From below you can download the handbooks for the Small Sided (Mini-roos) games U6, to U11.

U6 to U11 play on smaller fields to simpler rules designed to help then learn the skills of the games in a fun way. The handbooks available below explain the games.

     U6 and U7 handbook. (last update 2014)

     U8 and U9 handbook. (last upate 2016)

     U10 and U11 handbook. (last update 2016)

They do not yet reflect changes from the 2017 update of the main game rules, things such as a kick-off now being able to go backwards.  It is up to the ref of the game to decide this until the rules are officially updated.

Rules on Smoking/Jewellery/Uniforms/Officials/ID Cards/Team Sheets

These were extracted from Football NSW and Granville Association rules.

No Smoking

(a) inside the technical area
(b) inside the ropes
(c) inside the change rooms
(d) within close to the canteen, that is, 10 meters
Football NSW directive –

Players must wear absolutely NO jewellery of any kind

...not even taped or bandaged over! (Football NSW directive)

Absolutely NO alcohol to be consumed on the parks

until AFTER the LAST game is played!

Any player NOT wearing the clubs (complete) uniform will not be allowed to play 


Team Sheets

(a) ALL players names and FFA number MUST be on the Teams Sheet before the start of the game, otherwise he/she CANNOT play! No exception.

(b) Check the scores and offences before taking from the referee at the end of the game.

(c) Ensure the referee initials any changes to score or offences.

ID Cards

(a) ALL Players and Officials MUST have ID cards to stay within the ropes or technical area. A maximum of 5 Players and a maximum of 3 Officials are allowed inside the ropes or technical areas.

(b) A player CANNOT play until their correct ID card has been identified.

(c) A team failing to produce the correct ID cards will automatically forfeit the match and no game is to be played. If a friendly game is played thereafter, and it shouldn’t, it will NOT be covered by insurance.

(d) If the team with cards elects to play the team without cards, then the team with cards has forfieted its right to the automatic victory and any appeal, and the result of that match will stand.

Codes of Conduct.

We list here what we expect of Granville Waratah Players, based on the NSW Soccer May 2004 short version.  Players, Parents and others attending games should also also note the Football NSW Spectator Code of Behaviour

1. Play by the rules and understand the spirit of the game.
2. Play to win and never set out to lose.
3. Play fair to earn respect and to detest cheats.
4. Refrain from sexual harassment towards fellow players, coaches and officials.
5. Never argue with an official, captain, coach or manager who is there to maintain discipline and fair play.
6. Control your temper and avoid verbal abuse, sledging or deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent,
7. Be honest with the coach concerning illness and injury.
8. Work equally hard for yourself and/or your team.
9. Be a good sport and applaud all good plays.
10. Accept defeat with dignity and don’t seek excuses for defeat or blame the referee or anyone else.
11. Promote the interests of football and encourage other people to watch it or play it fairly.
12. Treat all participants equally, and reject corruption, drugs, racism, violence and other dangers to our sport.
13. Help others to resist corrupting pressures and remind them of their commitment to their team and the game.
14. Co-operate with your coach, team-mates and opponents.
15. Participate for your own enjoyment and benefit.
16. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants, coaches and officials.


Club House

Our club house is within Robin Thomas Reserve. It is the sandstone building at the North West corner of the fields, closer to Harris Street.

The clubhouse was built in the 1970’s by club members with the aid of a government grant. The sandstone bricks came from another building demolished from the same site – one of the out-buildings of the “Purchase” nursery which was a prior inhabitant of the site.

The entry to the club house is on the side away from the road.